rich beyond avarice

I'm so rich I've just given up counting after reaching a USD tally of 204,201,310.00 and the offer of a loan
0nly a measly £4,950,988.50 but some other stuff
& 5,000 Euros
but someone wants £1500 - should I lend it? and at what interest rate?

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Hi there,
How are you doing today? I am Williams Barnes, a US Marine currently serving in Iraq. I am actually one of the few Marines remaining in Iraq. We are waiting for executive order for our next deployment to Afghanistan this new year. I got your email from a business directory and I believe that you will maintain the level of confidence and trust that this mission I am about to inform you of require. Several months ago, my unit discovered some abandoned cash in the mansion of a militant ruler during a covert military raid. The total cash we discovered was $11.5 Million USD. We stashed all the funds in one trunk box and moved it secretly out of Iraq to Kuwait for safekeeping. We waited for several months to ensure that nobody is on our trail. Now, we need to move the money out of Kuwait. I am contacting you because we need your assistance in receiving the box for us on our behalf, and securing the cash until we return home from service.
Please note that we cannot use any of our known relative or friend for this mission because they are listed as acquaintance on our military file and this will compromise the covertness of this mission.
In order to proceed with this mission, we need the following details from you.
1. Your Full name
2. The address where you want the box to be delivered
3. Your private telephone number where you can be reached 24 hours
If for some reasons you don't want to or can't help us, I want you to delete this message immediately and assume we never had this conversation. However, if you are going to fully cooperate with us in this transaction, we will compensate you with 25% of the total cash after the mission is accomplished. Like I said earlier, we are a GO and waiting for your response. This is a very serious deal and I wouldn't be asking for your help if I am not convinced that this is not going to bring any harm to you or your family, or put you in a risky position. We have worked the kinks out and am very convinced this is gonna be successful.
Once we get a positive response from you with the info requested, we will proceed into the next step and I will give you further instructions. I hope I can rely on your sense of discretion. Write back soon buddy.
In God we trust,

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